The company of the same name, began production in 1844 in the city of Glasgow. Since 2007 has been acquired by United Breweries Group, an Indian conglomerate. The original creation of the brand was recently renamed as “Special”, alongside their existing varieties of 13, 19 and 22.
Your boxes can be seen in the 1931 film, “Public Enemy” and has been sponsor sports in England for several years.
Composed of 41 grain whiskeys, rested separately and then joined, what they call “marriage”, creating a smooth taste. Spicy flavor with honey and fruit and syrup in its aroma, its strength lies in the care of their preparation.
Compete with Johnnie Red Label, Ballantine’s, Chivas Reagal, Famous Grouse.

“The thirteen”
The secret of this issue is that, instead of stopping the process at age 12 as most whiskeys, this mixture is returned to barrels of sherry for ‘remarriage’ for about a year.

“Nineteenth” Old Luxury
This variety, another example of the search for originality, achieves a remarkable quality to añejar mix a year in oak barrels previously used to give a touch of sherry. In turn, this blend of barley is accompanied by tones of cinnamon and golden raisins reaching a stately sophistication.

“Supreme” 22 years (edición limitada)
This specimen preserved in his nose and tasting a rich, pure, complete and balanced picture of the tones made by his long aged in oak barrels. A family jewel.
En donde puedo comprar el Whisky White and Mackay en Guadalajara o en Mexico ?????
Buenas noches. Quisiera saber,por favor,los años de envejecimiento del producto denominado ESPECIAL. Gracias
Buen whisky y muy suave
CONSUMÍ DOS (2) TRAGOS DE WHITE & MACKAY 13 YEARS OLD ANS, y es bien y súper exquisito, confieso que es primera vez tomo un trago de este majestuoso The Thisteen.
Quisiera saber quien lo comercializa en Venezuela.